Research Interests
of aggression and self-aggression
Laboratory measures of
aggression and self-aggression
Psychotherapy for impulsive
Current Studies
Fluoxetine and Divalproex:
Treatment Correlates In IED
Impulsive Aggression: A
Twin Study of Behavior and 5-HT
Selected Publications
Coccaro EF, Schmidt CA, Samuels JF, & Nestadt G.
(2004) Lifetime and 1-month prevalence rates of intermittent explosive
disorder in a community sample. J Clin Psychiatry, 65(6),
820-824. Abstract
Coccaro EF. (2004) Borderline personality disorder therapy with omega-3
fatty acids. Curr Psychiatry Rep, 6(1), 42. Abstract
Coccaro EF, Lee R, McCloskey M. (2003) Norepinephrine function in
personality disorder: plasma free MHPG correlates inversely with life
history of aggression. CNS Spectrums, 8(10), 731-736. Abstract
Best M, Williams, & Coccaro EF. (2002) Evidence for a dysfunctional
prefrontal circuit in patients with an impulsive aggressive disorder. Proc
Natl Acad Sci, 99(12), 8448-53. Abstract
Lee R, & Coccaro EF. (2001) The neuropsychopharmacology of
crimnality and aggression. Can J Psychaitry, 46(1), 35-44. Abstract
Coccaro EF. (2000) Intermittent explosvie disorder. Curr Psychiatry
Rep, 2(1), 67-71. Abstract