StudyBIPOLAR-SCHIZOPHRENIA NETWORK FOR INTERMEDIATE PHENOTYPESPrincipal InvestigatorsElliot S. Gershon, M.D.Sarah Keedy, Ph.D. Study SummaryThe overall goal of this study is to test for biological traits of psychosis that may be related to disorders ranging from schizophrenia to bipolar disorder. In addition, we wish to examine whether these biological traits may be genetically inherited.WHO DO WE NEED FOR THE STUDY?People ages 18-60 diagnosed with at least one of the following:psychotic features: symptoms such as hallucinations, hearing voices or seeing things that others cannot OR People ages 18-60 with NO HISTORY of Participants will undergo clinical interview, cognitive testing, self-report questionnaires, one-time blood-draw to study DNA, EEG, Eye Tracking Movement recording and fMRI testing. You will receive a confidential, no-cost, evaluation to see if you qualify to enter. If eligible, you will receive a full clinical assessment at no cost. Duration of studyThree study visits. First visit will take about 5 hours, other two between 4-5 hours.CompensationUp to a maximum of $360.00 which includes $10 per visit travel reimbursementContactCognition-Emotion Neuroscience LaboratoryCall: (773) 834-0222 Email: You can download study brochures here: |